We walk to school. It takes about 15 minutes. We recently picked up rain boots. They are a necessity here just as snow boots were in Utah.
Chris has been able to join us for the first days of school since he was on a 2 week break. But now he's back to the daily grind.
Umbrellas...another necessity.Lolo started Kinder today. He has half days all week and then it turns into full days next week. "My stomach hurts because I'm starting school today," he said this morning. I'm glad he can connect the two. He and Toki react exactly like I do and did as a kid. Toki was complaining of the same thing last week.
Here's Lolo by his cubby. He has to have a lunch and snack, extra shoes and clothes, a smock, backpack, and homework folder.

And off to class he is. It's a super cute school.
One last picture before heading off.How the first day went in his own words....